In which story could you use the quotient −25,000÷14 to answer the question?Choices:(A)Ms. Erikson is filling her pool for the summer. The pool holds 25,000 gallons of water. It takes 14 hours for the pool to fill completely. On average, how much does the amount of water in the pool change per hour?(B)Ms. Erikson is draining her pool for the winter. The pool holds 25,000 gallons of water. It takes 14 hours for the pool to drain completely. On average, how much does the amount of water in the pool change per hour? Get tutor help

In which story could you use the quotient −11,000÷16 to answer the question?Choices:(A)The change in elevation from Badwater Basin to Telescope Peak in California is about 11,000 feet. The two landmarks are 16 miles apart. If Susan hikes from the Peak down to the Basin, what is her average elevation change per mile?(B)The change in elevation from Badwater Basin to Telescope Peak in California is about 11,000 feet. The two landmarks are 16 miles apart. If Susan hikes from the Basin up to the Peak, what is her average elevation change per mile? Get tutor help

A local package delivery service wants to improve the efficiency of its deliveries. As a first step, the management team decides to conduct a study to determine the average length of time from the arrival of a package at the company's mail center until its delivery at a home. Which of the following methods is most likely to produce valid results? Choose 1 answer:(A) The team selects the 1,000 heaviest packages in a one-week, non-holiday period and records how long it takes for each package to reach its destination.(B) The team calls 1,000 residents in their delivery area and asks them whether they have received a package from their service in the past week. They will then record how long it took for those packages to reach their destination.(C) The team selects a random sample of 1,000 packages arriving at the center over a one-week, non-holiday period and records how long it takes for each package to reach its destination.(D) None of the above Get tutor help