Q. Convert the fraction below into a decimal6019Edit the repeating and non-repeating part of the decimal:0.□□
Perform Division: To convert the fraction 6019 into a decimal, we need to perform the division of 19 by 60.Calculation: 19÷60=0.3166…
Denote Repeating Part: The result of the division is a decimal with the digits 3166 repeating. We can denote the repeating part with a bar over the digits or in this case, since we are asked to use "dots," we will use that notation.Calculation: 0.3166…=0.3(16)
Edit Decimal Parts: We need to edit the repeating and non-repeating part of the decimal as requested. The non-repeating part is 3 and the repeating part is 16.Calculation: 0.3(16)=0.3 with 16 repeating.
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