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28 is what percent of 


2828 is what percent of 50? 50 ? \newline% \%

Full solution

Q. 2828 is what percent of 50? 50 ? \newline% \%
  1. Problem Understanding: Understand the problem.\newlineWe need to find out what percentage 2828 is of 5050. This means we are looking for a number that represents the ratio of 2828 to 5050 in terms of 100100.
  2. Fraction Representation: Express the problem as a fraction.\newlineThe fraction that represents the problem is 2850\frac{28}{50}.
  3. Conversion to Percentage: Convert the fraction to a percentage.\newlineTo convert a fraction to a percentage, we multiply it by 100100.\newlineSo, we calculate (2850)×100(\frac{28}{50}) \times 100.
  4. Calculation: Perform the calculation.\newline(2850)×100=(0.56)×100=56%(\frac{28}{50}) \times 100 = (0.56) \times 100 = 56\%
  5. Result Verification: Verify the result.\newlineTo verify, we can take 56%56\% of 5050 and see if it equals 2828.\newline($\frac{56}{100} \times 5050 = 00.5656 \times 5050 = 2828\)\newlineSince this is true, our calculation is correct.