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12 is 
60% of what number?

1212 is 60% 60 \% of what number?

Full solution

Q. 1212 is 60% 60 \% of what number?
  1. Convert to decimal: Convert 60%60\% to a decimal.\newlineTo convert a percentage to a decimal, divide by 100100.\newline60÷100=0.6060 \div 100 = 0.60\newline60%60\% as a decimal is 0.600.60.
  2. Set up equation: Set up the equation to find the number that 1212 is 60%60\% of.\newlineLet the number be represented by xx. According to the problem, 60%60\% of xx is equal to 1212.\newlineSo, we write the equation as 0.60×x=120.60 \times x = 12.
  3. Solve for x: Solve for x.\newlineTo find x, divide both sides of the equation by 0.600.60.\newlinex=120.60x = \frac{12}{0.60}\newlinex=20x = 20