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15 is what percent of 


1515 is what percent of 25? 25 ? \newline% \%

Full solution

Q. 1515 is what percent of 25? 25 ? \newline% \%
  1. Problem Understanding: Understand the problem.\newlineWe need to find out what percentage 1515 is of 2525. This means we are looking for a number (let's call it 'pp') such that when 'pp' percent of 2525 is taken, it equals 1515.
  2. Equation Conversion: Convert the problem to an equation.\newlineLet pp be the percentage we are looking for. Then we can write the equation as:\newlinep100×25=15\frac{p}{100} \times 25 = 15
  3. Solving for 'p': Solve for 'p'.\newlineTo find 'p', we need to isolate it on one side of the equation. We can do this by dividing both sides of the equation by 2525.\newlinep100=1525\frac{p}{100} = \frac{15}{25}
  4. Calculating Division: Calculate the division on the right side of the equation.\newline1515 divided by 2525 is 0.60.6.\newlinep100\frac{p}{100} = 0.60.6
  5. Converting to Percentage: Convert the decimal to a percentage.\newlineTo find 'p', we multiply both sides of the equation by 100100.\newlinep=0.6×100p = 0.6 \times 100
  6. Performing Multiplication: Perform the multiplication to find 'pp'.\newline0.60.6 multiplied by 100100 equals 6060.\newlinep=60p = 60