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Is 1717 a prime number or a composite number? \newlineChoices: \newline(A) prime number \newline(B) composite number

Full solution

Q. Is 1717 a prime number or a composite number? \newlineChoices: \newline(A) prime number \newline(B) composite number
  1. Definition of Prime and Composite Numbers: A prime number is a number greater than 11 that has no positive divisors other than 11 and itself. A composite number is a number that has at least one positive divisor other than 11 and itself. To determine if 1717 is a prime number or a composite number, we need to check if it has any divisors other than 11 and 1717.
  2. Check Divisibility by Prime Numbers: We start by checking if 1717 is divisible by any prime number less than or equal to the square root of 1717. The square root of 1717 is approximately 4.124.12, so we only need to check for divisibility by the prime numbers 22, 33, and 55.
  3. Check Divisibility by 22: First, check if 1717 is divisible by 22. Since 1717 is an odd number, it is not divisible by 22.
  4. Check Divisibility by 33: Next, check if 1717 is divisible by 33. The sum of the digits of 1717 (1+71 + 7) is 88, which is not divisible by 33. Therefore, 1717 is not divisible by 33.
  5. Check Divisibility by 55: Finally, check if 1717 is divisible by 55. Any number that ends with a 55 or 00 is divisible by 55, and since 1717 does not end with a 55 or 00, it is not divisible by 55.
  6. Conclusion: 1717 is a Prime Number: Since 1717 is not divisible by any prime number less than or equal to its square root, it has no divisors other than 11 and itself. Therefore, 1717 is a prime number.