Problem Understanding: Understand the problem.We need to calculate 70% of $10. This means we need to find out what amount is 70 out of 100 parts of $10.
Convert to Decimal: Convert the percentage to a decimal.To calculate a percentage of a number, we convert the percentage to a decimal by dividing by 100. So, 70% becomes 0.70.
Multiply by Total Amount: Multiply the decimal by the total amount.Now we multiply the decimal equivalent of 70% (which is $\(0\).\(70\)) by \(\$10\) to find out what \(70\)% of \(\$10\) is.\(\newline\)\(0.70 \times \$10 = \$7\)
Verification: Verify the calculation.\(\newline\)To check for a math error, we can consider if our steps logically make sense. We converted the percentage to a decimal and then multiplied it by the total amount. Since \(10\%\) of \(\$\)\(10\) is \(\$\)\(1\), \(70\%\) should be \(\$\)\(7\), which matches our calculation.
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