Find Common Denominator: First, we need to simplify the numerator of the expression: (23)+(32)−(65). To do this, we find a common denominator for the fractions, which is 6.
Convert Numerators to Common Denominator: Now we convert each fraction in the numerator to have the common denominator of 6. This gives us (69)+(64)−(65).
Simplify Numerator: Next, we add and subtract the numerators: 9+4−5=8. So the numerator simplifies to 68, which can be further simplified to 34 by dividing both the numerator and the denominator by 2.
Find Common Denominator for Denominator: Now we simplify the denominator of the expression: (367)+(41)+(98). We need to find a common denominator for these fractions, which is 36.
Convert Denominators to Common Denominator: We convert each fraction in the denominator to have the common denominator of 36. This gives us (367)+(369)+(3632).
Simplify Denominator: Next, we add the numerators: 7+9+32=48. So the denominator simplifies to 3648, which can be further simplified to 34 by dividing both the numerator and the denominator by 12.
Divide Fractions: Now we have the simplified numerator and denominator: (34)/(34). When we divide two fractions that are the same, the result is 1.
Final Simplified Form: The final simplified form of the expression is 1. This answers the question prompt.
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