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Given the system of equations:\newline2xy3z=12 2x - y - 3z = -12 \newline3x+2y2z=20 3x + 2y - 2z = -20 \newlinex2y+z=19 -x - 2y + z = 19

Full solution

Q. Given the system of equations:\newline2xy3z=12 2x - y - 3z = -12 \newline3x+2y2z=20 3x + 2y - 2z = -20 \newlinex2y+z=19 -x - 2y + z = 19
  1. Label Equations: First, let's label the equations for easy reference:
    11) 2xy3z=122x - y - 3z = -12
    22) 3x+2y2z=203x + 2y - 2z = -20
    33) x2y+z=19-x - 2y + z = 19
  2. Eliminate y: Let's eliminate yy by adding equation 11 and equation 33:\newline(2xy3z)+(x2y+z)=12+19(2x - y - 3z) + (-x - 2y + z) = -12 + 19\newline2xy3zx2y+z=72x - y - 3z - x - 2y + z = 7\newlinex3y2z=7x - 3y - 2z = 7
  3. Eliminate y: Now, let's eliminate yy by adding equation 22 and equation 33: \newline(3x+2y2z)+(x2y+z)=20+19(3x + 2y - 2z) + (-x - 2y + z) = -20 + 19 \newline3x+2y2zx2y+z=13x + 2y - 2z - x - 2y + z = -1 \newline2xz=12x - z = -1
  4. New Equations: We now have two new equations:
    44) x3y2z=7 x - 3y - 2z = 7
    55) 2xz=1 2x - z = -1
  5. Solve for zz: Solve equation 55 for zz:\newline2xz=12x - z = -1\newlinez=2x+1z = 2x + 1
  6. Substitute z z into equation: Substitute z=2x+1 z = 2x + 1 into equation 4 4 :
    x3y2(2x+1)=7 x - 3y - 2(2x + 1) = 7
    x3y4x2=7 x - 3y - 4x - 2 = 7
    3x3y2=7 -3x - 3y - 2 = 7
    3x3y=9 -3x - 3y = 9
    x+y=3 x + y = -3
  7. Solve for y y : Solve x+y=3 x + y = -3 for y y : y=3x y = -3 - x
  8. Substitute yy and zz into equation: Substitute y=3xy = -3 - x and z=2x+1z = 2x + 1 into equation 11: 2x(3x)3(2x+1)=122x - (-3 - x) - 3(2x + 1) = -12 2x+3+x6x3=122x + 3 + x - 6x - 3 = -12 3x=12-3x = -12 x=4x = 4
  9. Substitute xx into yy: Substitute x=4x = 4 into y=3xy = -3 - x:\newliney=34y = -3 - 4\newliney=7y = -7
  10. Substitute xx into zz: Substitute x=4x = 4 into z=2x+1z = 2x + 1:\newlinez=2(4)+1z = 2(4) + 1\newlinez=9z = 9

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