Combine terms over common denominator: Combine the terms on the left side of the equation over a common denominator.Since the denominators are 8x and x, the common denominator is 8x. We can write (−9)/(8x) as it is and multiply (−9)/(x) by 8/8 to get the common denominator.(−9)/(8x)−(9)/(x)⋅(8/8)=(9)/(8)(−9)/(8x)−(72)/(8x)=(9)/(8)
Combine numerators over common denominator: Combine the numerators over the common denominator.(−9−72)/(8x)=9/8(−81)/(8x)=9/8
Cross-multiply to solve for x: Cross-multiply to solve for x. Cross-multiplying gives us: −81×8=9×8x−648=72x
Divide both sides to solve for x: Divide both sides by 72 to solve for x.−648/72=72x/72−9=x
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