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In population genetics, the HardyWeinberg law, shown, describes the relative frequency of two alleles, 
p and 
q. The values of 
p and 
q are always between 0 and 1 . Which of the following correctly expresses 
p in terms of 
q ?
Choose 1 answer:

p2+2pq+q2=1 p^{2}+2 p q+q^{2}=1 \newlineIn population genetics, the HardyWeinberg law, shown, describes the relative frequency of two alleles, p p and q q . The values of p p and q q are always between 00 and 11 . Which of the following correctly expresses p p in terms of q q ?\newlineChoose 11 answer:\newline(A) (p+q)2=1 (p+q)^{2}=1 \newline(B) (p+q)2=0 (p+q)^{2}=0 \newline(C) p=q+1 p=-q+1 \newline(D) p=q p=-q

Full solution

Q. p2+2pq+q2=1 p^{2}+2 p q+q^{2}=1 \newlineIn population genetics, the HardyWeinberg law, shown, describes the relative frequency of two alleles, p p and q q . The values of p p and q q are always between 00 and 11 . Which of the following correctly expresses p p in terms of q q ?\newlineChoose 11 answer:\newline(A) (p+q)2=1 (p+q)^{2}=1 \newline(B) (p+q)2=0 (p+q)^{2}=0 \newline(C) p=q+1 p=-q+1 \newline(D) p=q p=-q
  1. Equation Verification: The Hardy-Weinberg law equation is given by p2+2pq+q2=1p^2 + 2pq + q^2 = 1. This equation resembles the expansion of (p+q)2(p + q)^2. Let's verify if this is the case.
  2. Expansion Comparison: We know that (p+q)2(p + q)^2 expands to p2+2pq+q2p^2 + 2pq + q^2. This matches the given Hardy-Weinberg law equation. Therefore, we can write the equation as (p+q)2=1(p + q)^2 = 1.
  3. Square Root Calculation: Since the values of pp and qq are always between 00 and 11, we can take the square root of both sides of the equation to solve for p+qp + q. The square root of 11 is 11, and since pp and qq are non-negative, we do not need to consider the negative square root. So, we have p+q=1p + q = 1.
  4. Expressing pp in terms of qq: Now, we can express pp in terms of qq by rearranging the equation p+q=1p + q = 1 to solve for pp. Subtracting qq from both sides gives us p=1qp = 1 - q.

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