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Which of the following equations correctly expresses 
c in terms of 
j and 
m ?
Choose 1 answer:

j=mc78 j=\frac{m}{c} \cdot 78 \newlineWhich of the following equations correctly expresses c c in terms of j j and m m ?\newlineChoose 11 answer:\newline(A) c=mj78 c=\frac{m}{j} \cdot 78 \newline(B) c=m78j c=\frac{m}{78 \cdot j} \newline(C) c=jm78 c=\frac{j}{m} \cdot 78 \newline(D) c=j78m c=\frac{j}{78 \cdot m}

Full solution

Q. j=mc78 j=\frac{m}{c} \cdot 78 \newlineWhich of the following equations correctly expresses c c in terms of j j and m m ?\newlineChoose 11 answer:\newline(A) c=mj78 c=\frac{m}{j} \cdot 78 \newline(B) c=m78j c=\frac{m}{78 \cdot j} \newline(C) c=jm78 c=\frac{j}{m} \cdot 78 \newline(D) c=j78m c=\frac{j}{78 \cdot m}
  1. Given Equation: Given the equation j=mc×78j = \frac{m}{c} \times 78, we want to solve for cc in terms of jj and mm.
  2. Divide by 7878: To isolate cc, we need to get rid of the 7878 that is being multiplied by m/cm/c. We can do this by dividing both sides of the equation by 7878.j78=(m/c)×7878\frac{j}{78} = \frac{(m/c) \times 78}{78}
  3. Simplify Right Side: Simplifying the right side of the equation, we get: j78=mc\frac{j}{78} = \frac{m}{c}
  4. Take Reciprocal: Now, to solve for cc, we need to take the reciprocal of both sides of the equation. This will give us cc on one side by itself.\newlinec=m(j78)c = \frac{m}{\left(\frac{j}{78}\right)}
  5. Simplify Right Side: We can simplify the right side of the equation by multiplying mm by the reciprocal of j78\frac{j}{78}, which is 78j\frac{78}{j}.c=m×(78j)c = m \times \left(\frac{78}{j}\right)
  6. Rewrite Equation: Finally, we can rewrite the equation to match the format of the answer choices: c=mj×78c = \frac{m}{j} \times 78
  7. Final Equation: Comparing our final equation with the answer choices, we see that it matches with choice (B): c=m78×jc = \frac{m}{78 \times j}

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