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In the figure, 
AC and 
DE are the angle bisectors of 
/_BAD and 
/_ADB respectively. If 
AB=2BC and 
AD=BD, find 

In the figure, AC A C and DE D E are the angle bisectors of BAD \angle B A D and ADB \angle A D B respectively. If AB=2BC A B=2 B C and AD=BD A D=B D , find AE:CD A E: C D .\newline(A) 1:1 1: 1 \newline(B) 1:2 1: 2 \newline(C) 2:1 2: 1 \newline(D) DE D E 00

Full solution

Q. In the figure, AC A C and DE D E are the angle bisectors of BAD \angle B A D and ADB \angle A D B respectively. If AB=2BC A B=2 B C and AD=BD A D=B D , find AE:CD A E: C D .\newline(A) 1:1 1: 1 \newline(B) 1:2 1: 2 \newline(C) 2:1 2: 1 \newline(D) DE D E 00
  1. Identify Given Information: Identify the given information and the properties of angle bisectors in a triangle.\newlineGiven: AB=2BCAB = 2BC and AD=BDAD = BD (which means triangle ABDABD is isosceles).\newlineThe angle bisector theorem states that the ratio of the lengths of the two segments created on the base by an angle bisector is proportional to the ratio of the lengths of the other two sides of the triangle.
  2. Apply Angle Bisector Theorem (ABD): Apply the angle bisector theorem to triangle ABDABD, where DEDE is the angle bisector.\newlineAccording to the angle bisector theorem, AEED=ABBD\frac{AE}{ED} = \frac{AB}{BD}.\newlineSince AD=BDAD = BD, AB=2BDAB = 2BD, so AEED=21\frac{AE}{ED} = \frac{2}{1}.
  3. Apply Angle Bisector Theorem (ABC): Apply the angle bisector theorem to triangle ABC, where ACAC is the angle bisector.\newlineAccording to the angle bisector theorem, CDDA=CBBA\frac{CD}{DA} = \frac{CB}{BA}.\newlineSince AB=2BCAB = 2BC, CDDA=BC2BC=12\frac{CD}{DA} = \frac{BC}{2BC} = \frac{1}{2}.
  4. Combine Ratios: Combine the ratios obtained from the angle bisector theorem to find AE:CDAE:CD. From step 22, we have AE=2EDAE = 2ED. From step 33, we have CD=12DACD = \frac{1}{2} DA. Since AD=BDAD = BD, we can substitute DADA with BDBD in the ratio for CDCD. So, CD=12BDCD = \frac{1}{2} BD.
  5. Find AE:CDAE:CD: Since AE=2EDAE = 2ED and CD=12BDCD = \frac{1}{2} BD, and knowing that AD=BDAD = BD, we can find the ratio AE:CDAE:CD by comparing AEAE to BDBD and CDCD to BDBD. AE:BD=2ED:BD=2:1AE:BD = 2ED:BD = 2:1 (since AE=2EDAE = 2ED and AE=2EDAE = 2ED11 is part of BDBD). $CD:BD = \frac{\(1\)}{\(2\)} BD:BD = \frac{\(1\)}{\(2\)}:\(1\).
  6. Compare Ratios: To find \(AE:CD\), we need to compare \(AE\) to \(CD\) directly.\(\newline\)We have \(AE:BD = 2:1\) and \(CD:BD = \frac{1}{2}:1\).\(\newline\)To compare \(AE\) to \(CD\), we need to have the same reference for \(BD\) in both ratios.\(\newline\)We can multiply the second ratio by \(2\) to have the same reference for \(BD\).\(\newline\)So, \(AE:BD = 2:1\) and \(AE\)\(1\).
  7. Find \(AE:CD\): Now that we have \(AE:BD\) and \(CD:BD\) with the same reference, we can find \(AE:CD\). \(\newline\)\(AE:CD = (AE:BD) / (CD:BD) = (2:1) / (1:2) = \frac{2}{1} \times \frac{2}{1} = 4:1\).

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