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Function Evaluation

Given the function 
f(x)=6x-7 evaluate each of the following.

A,B and 
C, give the exact answer. For 
D and 
E, give the answer as a simplified

expression written in descending order.

A) Evaluate 


B) Evaluate 


C) Evaluate 


D) Evaluate 


E) Evaluate 

Function Evaluation\newline\begin{tabular}{|l|r|}\newline\hline Given the function f(x)=6x7 f(x)=6 x-7 evaluate each of the following. \\\newlineFor A,B A, B and C C , give the exact answer. For D D and E E , give the answer as a simplified \\\newlineexpression written in descending order. \\\newline\hline A) Evaluate f(0) f(0) & f(0)= f(0)= \\\newline\hline B) Evaluate f(2) f(2) & f(2)= f(-2)= \\\newline\hline C) Evaluate f(2) f(-2) & A,B A, B 00 \\\newline\hline D) Evaluate A,B A, B 11 & A,B A, B 22 \\\newline\hline E) Evaluate A,B A, B 33 & \\\newline\hline\newline\end{tabular}

Full solution

Q. Function Evaluation\newline\begin{tabular}{|l|r|}\newline\hline Given the function f(x)=6x7 f(x)=6 x-7 evaluate each of the following. \\\newlineFor A,B A, B and C C , give the exact answer. For D D and E E , give the answer as a simplified \\\newlineexpression written in descending order. \\\newline\hline A) Evaluate f(0) f(0) & f(0)= f(0)= \\\newline\hline B) Evaluate f(2) f(2) & f(2)= f(-2)= \\\newline\hline C) Evaluate f(2) f(-2) & A,B A, B 00 \\\newline\hline D) Evaluate A,B A, B 11 & A,B A, B 22 \\\newline\hline E) Evaluate A,B A, B 33 & \\\newline\hline\newline\end{tabular}
  1. Find f(0)f(0): To find f(0)f(0), substitute xx with 00 in the function f(x)=6x7f(x) = 6x - 7.\newlinef(0)=6(0)7=07=7f(0) = 6(0) - 7 = 0 - 7 = -7.
  2. Find f(2)f(2): To find f(2)f(2), substitute xx with 22 in the function f(x)=6x7f(x) = 6x - 7.\newlinef(2)=6(2)7=127=5f(2) = 6(2) - 7 = 12 - 7 = 5.
  3. Find f(2)f(-2): To find f(2)f(-2), substitute xx with 2-2 in the function f(x)=6x7f(x) = 6x - 7.\newlinef(2)=6(2)7=127=19f(-2) = 6(-2) - 7 = -12 - 7 = -19.
  4. Evaluate f(x+1)f(x+1): To evaluate f(x+1)f(x+1), substitute xx with (x+1)(x+1) in the function f(x)=6x7f(x) = 6x - 7.\newlinef(x+1)=6(x+1)7=6x+67=6x1f(x+1) = 6(x+1) - 7 = 6x + 6 - 7 = 6x - 1.
  5. Evaluate f(x)f(-x): To evaluate f(x)f(-x), substitute xx with (x)(-x) in the function f(x)=6x7f(x) = 6x - 7.\newlinef(x)=6(x)7=6x7f(-x) = 6(-x) - 7 = -6x - 7.

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