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lim_(x rarr3)((x-5)^(2))/((x-3)^(2)).
Choose 1 answer:
(B) 0
(D) The limit doesn't exist

Find limx3(x5)2(x3)2 \lim _{x \rightarrow 3} \frac{(x-5)^{2}}{(x-3)^{2}} .\newlineChoose 11 answer:\newline(A) 23 -\frac{2}{3} \newline(B) 00\newline(C) 113 \frac{11}{3} \newlineD D The limit doesn't exist

Full solution

Q. Find limx3(x5)2(x3)2 \lim _{x \rightarrow 3} \frac{(x-5)^{2}}{(x-3)^{2}} .\newlineChoose 11 answer:\newline(A) 23 -\frac{2}{3} \newline(B) 00\newline(C) 113 \frac{11}{3} \newlineD D The limit doesn't exist
  1. Identify the form: Identify the form of the limit.\newlineWe are asked to find the limit of the function (x5)2/(x3)2(x-5)^2 / (x-3)^2 as xx approaches 33. Let's plug in x=3x = 3 to see what form the limit takes.\newlinelimx3(x5)2(x3)2=(35)2(33)2=(2)2/(0)2.\lim_{x \to 3}\frac{(x-5)^2}{(x-3)^2} = \frac{(3-5)^2}{(3-3)^2} = (-2)^2 / (0)^2.\newlineWe notice that the denominator becomes 00, which suggests that the limit might be of the form 0/00/0, indicating a possible indeterminate form.
  2. Simplify the expression: Simplify the expression if possible.\newlineSince we have an indeterminate form, we can try to simplify the expression or use L'Hôpital's Rule. However, in this case, the expression is already in its simplest form, and L'Hôpital's Rule is not necessary because we can directly evaluate the limit by canceling out the common factors.
  3. Factor and cancel: Factor and cancel if possible.\newlineWe notice that the numerator and the denominator are both perfect squares. Let's factor them out:\newlinelimx3(x5)2(x3)2=limx3(x5x3)2\lim_{x \to 3}\frac{(x-5)^2}{(x-3)^2} = \lim_{x \to 3}\left(\frac{x-5}{x-3}\right)^2.\newlineNow, we can see that the x5x3\frac{x-5}{x-3} term will not be zero when x approaches 33, so we can evaluate the limit by plugging in x=3x = 3:\newlinelimx3(x5x3)2=(3533)2=(20)2\lim_{x \to 3}\left(\frac{x-5}{x-3}\right)^2 = \left(\frac{3-5}{3-3}\right)^2 = \left(\frac{-2}{0}\right)^2.\newlineHowever, we made a mistake here. We cannot divide by zero, and the term (x3)(x-3) in the denominator will indeed be zero when x=3x = 3, which means we cannot simply plug in the value of x=3x = 3.

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