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(P+R)/(2)=8, which of the following correctly gives 
R in terms of 
P ?
Choose 1 answer:

If P+R2=8 \frac{P+R}{2}=8 , which of the following correctly gives R R in terms of P P ?\newlineChoose 11 answer:\newline(A) R=16+P R=16+P \newline(B) R=16P R=16-P \newline(C) R=8P2 R=8-\frac{P}{2} \newline(D) R=4P R=4-P

Full solution

Q. If P+R2=8 \frac{P+R}{2}=8 , which of the following correctly gives R R in terms of P P ?\newlineChoose 11 answer:\newline(A) R=16+P R=16+P \newline(B) R=16P R=16-P \newline(C) R=8P2 R=8-\frac{P}{2} \newline(D) R=4P R=4-P
  1. Rephrase the Problem: First, let's rephrase the "What is the value of RR in terms of PP if (P+R)/2(P+R)/2 equals 88?"
  2. Multiply by 22: We are given the equation (P+R)/2=8(P+R)/2 = 8. To find RR in terms of PP, we need to isolate RR on one side of the equation. Let's start by multiplying both sides of the equation by 22 to eliminate the denominator.\newline2×((P+R)/2)=2×82 \times ((P+R)/2) = 2 \times 8
  3. Isolate R: After multiplying both sides by 22, we get: P+R=16P + R = 16 Now, we need to isolate RR by subtracting PP from both sides of the equation.
  4. Subtract PP: Subtracting PP from both sides gives us:\newlineR=16PR = 16 - P\newlineThis is the expression for RR in terms of PP.

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