Q. Order the following numbers from least to greatest.1.3451258
Convert to Decimal: First, we need to convert all the numbers to the same format to compare them easily. We can convert the mixed number and the fraction to decimal form.
Convert 45 to Decimal: Convert the fraction 45 to a decimal. To do this, divide 5 by 4.5÷4=1.25
Convert 1258 to Decimal: Now, convert the mixed number 1258 to a decimal. First, convert the fraction 258 to a decimal and then add it to the whole number part.8÷25=0.321+0.32=1.32
Order Decimal Numbers: We now have all three numbers in decimal form: 1.3, 1.25, and 1.32.
Compare Decimal Values: Order the numbers from least to greatest by comparing the decimal values. 1.25(5/4) is less than 1.3, and 1.3 is less than 1.32(18/25).
Final Order: The numbers in order from least to greatest are: 1.25(45), 1.3, 1.32(1258).
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