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f(x)=x^44+44x^337-7x^2222-22x+2424 The function f is shown. If x+33 is a factor of f, what is the value of f(3-3)?

Full solution

Q. f(x)=x^44+44x^337-7x^2222-22x+2424 The function f is shown. If x+33 is a factor of f, what is the value of f(3-3)?
  1. Find f(3-3): First, we need to find f(3) f(-3) .
  2. Substitute x = 3-3: Substitute x=3 x = -3 into f(x) f(x) :\newlinef(3)=(3)4+4(3)37(3)222(3)+24 f(-3) = (-3)^4 + 4(-3)^3 - 7(-3)^2 - 22(-3) + 24
  3. Calculate (3-3)^44: Calculate (3)4 (-3)^4 :\newline(3)4=81 (-3)^4 = 81
  4. Calculate 44(3-3)^33: Calculate 4(3)3 4(-3)^3 :\newline4(3)3=4(27)=108 4(-3)^3 = 4(-27) = -108
  5. Calculate 7-7(3-3)^22: Calculate 7(3)2 -7(-3)^2 :\newline7(3)2=7(9)=63 -7(-3)^2 = -7(9) = -63
  6. Calculate 22-22(3-3): Calculate 22(3) -22(-3) :\newline22(3)=66 -22(-3) = 66
  7. Add all terms: Add all the terms together:\newlinef(3)=8110863+66+24 f(-3) = 81 - 108 - 63 + 66 + 24
  8. Simplify expression: Simplify the expression:\newlinef(3)=81108=27 f(-3) = 81 - 108 = -27 \newline2763=90 -27 - 63 = -90 \newline90+66=24 -90 + 66 = -24 \newline24+24=0 -24 + 24 = 0

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