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A = 66s^22

Full solution

Q. A = 66s^22
  1. Identify Function: Identify the function to differentiate. A = 6s26s^2
  2. Apply Power Rule: Apply the power rule for differentiation. dds[6s2]=6dds[s2] \frac{d}{ds} [6s^2] = 6 \cdot \frac{d}{ds} [s^2]
  3. Differentiate s2s^2: Differentiate s2s^2 using the power rule. dds[s2]=2s\frac{d}{ds} [s^2] = 2s
  4. Multiply Constant: Multiply the constant 66 by the derivative of s2s^2. 62s=12s6 * 2s = 12s

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