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Let’s check out your problem:

a be a non-zero rational number and 
b be an irrational number. Is 
(a)/(b) rational or irrational?
Choose 1 answer:
(A) Rational
(B) Irrational
(C) It can be either rational or irrational

Let aa be a non-zero rational number and bb be an irrational number. Is ab\frac{a}{b} rational or irrational? Choose 11 answer: \newline(A) Rational \newline(B) Irrational \newline(C) It can be either rational or irrational

Full solution

Q. Let aa be a non-zero rational number and bb be an irrational number. Is ab\frac{a}{b} rational or irrational? Choose 11 answer: \newline(A) Rational \newline(B) Irrational \newline(C) It can be either rational or irrational
  1. Identify nature of numbers: Identify the nature of the numbers involved.\newlineaa is a non-zero rational number, which means it can be expressed as the ratio of two integers, where the denominator is not zero.\newlinebb is an irrational number, which means it cannot be expressed as the ratio of two integers.
  2. Division of rational by irrational: Consider the division of a rational number by an irrational number.\newlineThe division of a rational number by an irrational number results in an irrational number. This is because if (a)/(b)(a)/(b) were rational, then we could express (a)/(b)(a)/(b) as the ratio of two integers, say p/qp/q. Multiplying both sides by bb would give a=(p/q)ba = (p/q) \cdot b. Since aa and qq are both rational, (p/q)b(p/q) \cdot b would have to be rational for aa to be rational. However, this would imply that bb is a factor of a rational number, which would make bb rational. This contradicts the fact that bb is irrational.
  3. Conclude nature of (a)/(b)(a)/(b): Conclude the nature of (a)/(b)(a)/(b).\newlineSince the division of a non-zero rational number by an irrational number results in an irrational number, (a)/(b)(a)/(b) is irrational.

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