Simple Consumer Math Problems Worksheet

Grade 7

Total questions - 0

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Teaching Simple Consumer Math Problems Easily 


  • Firstly, write down the data or information given. 


  • Secondly, convert those data into the same measurement. 


  • Lastly, use the correct arithmetic operation to get an appropriate result. 


Here is an example to solve a question on a simple consumer math problem. Let’s look at the example mentioned below to understand more about consumer math problems.


Q. Find the cost for 2.5 yards of fabric at 8.50 per yard. 


Step 1: Jote down the data. 


Cost of Fabric Per Yard = 8.50 

Yards of Fabric to find at 8.50 = 2.5 


Step 2: If required, convert the data into the same measurement. 


Step 3: Use the correct arithmetic operation. 




Cost = 8.50 * 2.5 

8.50 * 2.5 = 21.25 


Why should you use a Simple Consumer Math Problem worksheet for your students?


  • Solving these worksheets will help your students to understand different topics like, profit and loss, simple and compound interest, etc. 


  • Consumer Math Problems Worksheet includes solving a variety of questions using different arithmetic operations such as, addition, multiplication, division and subtraction. 


Download Equations with Simple Consumer Math Problem Worksheets PDF


You can download and print these super fun equations with simple consumer math problem pdf from here for your students. You can also try our Consumer Math Problems (Level 2 Word Problems) and Consumer Math Problems Quiz as well for a better understanding of the concepts.

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About Worksheet

Grade 7

Consumer math is a branch of mathematics that deals with using basic math skills in real-life scenarios like calculating taxes, shopping, and the rest of it. Profit and Loss, Calculating Compound, and Simple Interest, all come under this branch of mathematics. Consumer math problems can help your students to deal with financial affairs effectively.


There are some steps to keep in mind while solving a problem on consumer math.

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