Teaching Percentage Multiplier Easily
- Firstly, write down the percentage.
- Then, convert the percentage into a decimal by dividing it by 100. This is the multiplier.
- Lastly, multiply the original number by the multiplier.
Here is an example of solving a problem on a percentage multiplier. Let's look at the example below to understand percentage multipliers.
Q. Find the Percentage Multiplier for 0.26.
Step 1: Write down the decimal.
Decimal = 0.26
Step 2: Convert the decimal into a percentage by multiplying it by 100.
0.26 * 100 = 26 percent.
The percentage multiplier is 26 percent.
Why should you use a Percentage Multiplier Worksheet for your students?
- The Percentage Multiplier Worksheet will help your students to calculate percentages easily.
- Solving these worksheets will increase their speed in converting decimals into percentages and vice-versa.
Download Equations with Percentage Multiplier Worksheets PDF
You can download and print these super fun equations with a percentage multiplier worksheet pdf from here for your students.