Teaching Percentage Increase and Decrease Easily
- Firstly, subtract the increased value by the original value or the original value by decreased value.
- Then, divide those values by the original value.
- Lastly, multiply the obtained value by 100.
Percentage Increase = (Increased Value-Original value)/Original value × 100 Percentage decrease = (Original value-Decreased Value)/Original Value × 100 |
Here is an example of solving a question on percentage decrease. Let’s look at the given example below to understand the percentage increase and decrease.
Q. Amrita received a monthly salary of $ 1800. Her salary was decreased by $ 300. What was the percentage decrease in her salary?
Monthly Salary = $ 1800
Salary Increased = $ 300
Step 1: Subtract the original value by the decreased value.
So, 1800 - 300 = 1500.
Step 2: Divide the obtained value by the original value
So, 1500/ 1800 = 0.83.
Step 3: Multiply the value by 100.
So, 0.83 * 100 = 83.3 %.
Why should you use a Multi-step percent increase and decrease Worksheet for your students?
- The multi-step percent increase and decrease worksheet will help your students to increase their efficiency in topics like arithmetic operations.
- Solving these worksheets will help your students to calculate percentages easily.
Download Equations with Multi-step percent increase and decrease Worksheets PDF
You can download and print these super fun equations with multi-step percent increase and decrease worksheet pdf from here for your students.
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