Rate Of Change (Level 2 Word Problems) Worksheet

Grade 7
Signed Number Operations

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Teaching Rate of Change Level 2 Easily 


  • Find the change step wise i.e first  in one quantity. 


  • Then, find the change in the second quantity. 


  • Lastly, use the formula of the rate of change. 


Here is an example of solving the rate of change word problems. Let’s look at the example below to understand more about the concept. 




 Rate of Change = Change in quantity 1/ Change in quantity 2


Q. Find the rate of change for the following table: 


TimeDistance Travelled






Step 1: Mention the rate of change in both the quantities. 


Rate of Change in Quantity 1: 180 - 80 ( distance traveled) 

Rate of  Change in  Quantity 2: 6 - 4 ( time ) 


Step 2: Evaluate the equation. 


Rate of Change = 100 / 2 


The rate of change is equivalent to 50 . 


Why should you use a Rate of Change (Level 2 word Problems) worksheet for your students? 


  • The rate of change worksheet is important in strengthening the concept of change in quantity and slope


  • Practicing the rate of change level 2 word problems worksheet will help your students to learn more about graphs. 


  • These are level 2 worksheets and will help the students to practice a little more complex rate of change word problems.


Download Rate of Change Level 2 Word problems Worksheets Pdf


You can download and print these super fun equations with the rate of change worksheet pdf from here for your students. You can also try our Rate Of Change (Level 2 Word Problems) Problems and Rate of change (Level 2 word problems) Quiz as well for a better understanding of the concepts.

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About Worksheet

Grade 7
Signed Number Operations

The rate of change is the total amount of change in one item divided by the corresponding amount of change in the other item. The rate of change is the rate at which one quantity changes with respect to another quantity. However, the average rate of change is the total change that occurred divided by the time taken. The distance traveled by a car in a minute can be calculated using the rate of change. 

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