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Rate of change (Level 2 word problems) Quiz

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#1 of 8: Spicy

Rate of change (Level 2 word problems)

<p>A submarine was at an elevation of `-394` feet. Its elevation becomes `-634` feet after descending for `40` seconds. </p> <p>What was the average rate at which the submarine was moving every second?</p>

#2 of 8: Spicy

Rate of change (Level 2 word problems)

<p>A scuba diver's lowest elevation is `-143` feet. After ascending for `2.3` minutes, the final elevation was `-28` feet. </p> <p>What was the average change in the scuba diver's elevation every minute?</p>

#3 of 8: Mild

Rate of change (Level 2 word problems)

<p>Shawn took off in his helicopter from an elevation of `-75` meters and ascended `255` meters in half an hour. </p> <p>What was the average rate of change in the helicopter's elevation per hour?</p>

#4 of 8: Mild

Rate of change (Level 2 word problems)

<p>While cliff jumping, Harris jumped from a height of `15` feet. After `5` seconds, he reached an elevation of `-10` feet. </p> <p>What was the average rate of change in Harris' elevation per second?</p>

#5 of 8: Medium

Rate of change (Level 2 word problems)

<p>The account balance of Ashley is `-$250` on 1st January 2021. Her bank's final balance was `-$600` after spending for `6` months. <p> </p>At what rate was Ashley spending per month? </p>

#6 of 8: Medium

Rate of change (Level 2 word problems)

<p>At 8 AM, the temperature in a city was `-2`°C. Due to a cold front, the temperature in the city dropped to `-10`°C after `4` hours. </p> <p>What was the rate at which the temperature dropped per hour?</p>

#7 of 8: Medium

Rate of change (Level 2 word problems)

<p>The average temperature in a town was `8`°C at `1` pm. After `5` hours, the average temperature is `-2`°C. </p> <p>What was the average rate at which the temperature dropped every hour?</p>

#8 of 8: Medium

Rate of change (Level 2 word problems)

<p>A hiker is at an elevation of `-800` feet at the lowest point of their hike. After hiking up the mountain for `2` hours, their final elevation is `5800` feet. </p> <p>What was the average change in elevation every hour?</p>

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We can divide the rate of change as the total amount of change of one item divided by the total amount of change of the other item. In simple terms, we can say that the rate of change is the rate at which one quantity changes with respect to the change in the other quantity. The concepts like the distance travelled by a car in an hour can be calculated using the rate of change. Students can easily solve rate of change (Level 2 word problems) using this quiz.

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