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Write the expression using exponents. Enter a number in every blank.\newline292998989829 \cdot 29 \cdot 98 \cdot 98 \cdot 98\newline299829^{--}\cdot98^{--}

Full solution

Q. Write the expression using exponents. Enter a number in every blank.\newline292998989829 \cdot 29 \cdot 98 \cdot 98 \cdot 98\newline299829^{--}\cdot98^{--}
  1. Count occurrences: Count how many times each number appears. 2929 is repeated 22 times, and 9898 is repeated 33 times.
  2. Write with exponents: Write each number with its corresponding exponent.\newline29229^2 for the two occurrences of 2929.\newline98398^3 for the three occurrences of 9898.
  3. Combine using multiplication: Combine the expressions using multiplication.\newlineThe final expression is 29298329^2 \cdot 98^3.

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