Identify Base and Number: Identify the base of the logarithm and the number whose logarithm is to be found.The base is 5, and the number is 3125.
Check Power of 5: Determine if 3125 can be expressed as a power of 5. 3125 is 5 raised to some power because 5 is a prime number and 3125 is a multiple of 5.
Find Power of 5: Find the power to which 5 must be raised to get 3125. By trial, 55=3125.
Write as Power of 5: Write 3125 as a power of 5 in the logarithmic expression.log53125 becomes log5(55).
Apply Power Property: Apply the power property of logarithms.The power property states that logb(an)=n⋅logb(a).Therefore, log5(55) becomes 5⋅log55.
Evaluate Logarithm: Evaluate log55. The logarithm of a number to the same base is 1. So, log55 is 1.
Multiply Exponent: Multiply the exponent by the logarithm of the base to the same base. 5×log55 becomes 5×1.
Calculate Final Result: Calculate the final result.5×1 equals 5.
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