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Find the unknown number in each equation: \newliner8=12\frac{r}{8}=12

Full solution

Q. Find the unknown number in each equation: \newliner8=12\frac{r}{8}=12
  1. Identify Equation: Step 11: Identify the equation and what needs to be solved.\newlineWe have the equation r8=12\frac{r}{8} = 12, and we need to find the value of rr.
  2. Solve for r: Step 22: Solve for rr by isolating it on one side of the equation.\newlineMultiply both sides of the equation by 88 to get rr by itself:\newliner=12×8r = 12 \times 8
  3. Perform Multiplication: Step 33: Perform the multiplication to find rr.\newliner=96r = 96

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