Each of these relationships reflects a correlation. Which relationship most likely reflects both correlation and causation?Choices:(A) Drinking iced coffee more often is associated with using a fan more often. (B) Drinking iced coffee more often is associated with consuming more caffeine. (C) Drinking iced coffee more often is associated with wearing shorts more often.
Q. Each of these relationships reflects a correlation. Which relationship most likely reflects both correlation and causation?Choices:(A) Drinking iced coffee more often is associated with using a fan more often. (B) Drinking iced coffee more often is associated with consuming more caffeine. (C) Drinking iced coffee more often is associated with wearing shorts more often.
Analyze Relationship: Analyze the relationship of the first option A: Does drinking iced coffee cause the use of a fan? The answer is likely No, as the use of a fan is more likely related to the temperature of the environment rather than the consumption of iced coffee. While there might be a correlation during hot weather, the causation is not direct.
Analyze Relationship: Analyze the relationship of the second option (B): Does drinking iced coffee cause an increase in caffeine consumption? The answer is Yes, as iced coffee contains caffeine, drinking it more often would directly increase caffeine intake.
Analyze Relationship: Analyze the relationship of the third option (C): Does drinking iced coffee cause wearing shorts more often? The answer is likely No, as wearing shorts is more likely related to the weather or personal comfort preferences rather than the consumption of iced coffee. There might be a correlation during warmer seasons, but the causation is not direct.
Select Best Option: Finally, select the option that most likely reflects both correlation and causation. The answer is 'Drinking iced coffee more often is associated with consuming more caffeine.' as drinking iced coffee directly causes an increase in caffeine consumption.