Find Common Denominator: First, we need to find a common denominator for the fractions on the left side of the equation to combine them. The common denominator for (3x+6) and 3 is 3(3x+6).
Eliminate Denominators: Now, we multiply each fraction by the common denominator to eliminate the denominators. This gives us:(7)(3)+(1)(3x+6)=(5)(3)(3x+6)/(x+2)
Distribute Numerators: Next, we distribute the numerators across the terms inside the parentheses: 21+3x+6=15(3x+6)/(x+2)
Combine Like Terms: Combine like terms on the left side of the equation: 3x+27=x+215(3x+6)
Get Rid of Fraction: Now, we need to get rid of the fraction on the right side of the equation by multiplying both sides by (x+2):(3x+27)(x+2)=15(3x+6)
Distribute and Combine: Distribute (x+2) on the left side and 15 on the right side:3x2+6x+54x+108=45x+90
Set Equation to Zero: Combine like terms on the left side: 3x2+60x+108=45x+90
Factor Quadratic Equation: Subtract 45x and 90 from both sides to set the equation to zero:3x2+15x+18=0
Factor Quadratic Equation: Subtract 45x and 90 from both sides to set the equation to zero:3x2+15x+18=0 Now, we need to factor the quadratic equation:(3x+3)(x+6)=0
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