Calculate Feet: We know that 1 foot is equal to 12 inches, so we need to divide 54 inches by 12 to find out how many feet there are.Calculation: 54÷12=4.5 feet
Whole Number Feet: But we can't have half a foot when we're converting to feet and inches, so we take the whole number part for the feet.Calculation: 4 feet
Calculate Remaining Inches: Now we need to find out how many inches are left over. We multiply the whole number of feet by 12 and subtract it from the total inches.Calculation: 4 feet×12 inches/foot=48 inches54 inches−48 inches=6 inches
Final Result: So, we have 4 feet and 6 inches left over.Calculation: 54 inches = 4 feet 6 inches