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Convert 1414 feet to meters using 3.2813.281 feet: 11 meter\newlineRound answers to hundredths of meters (or 22 decimal places)

Full solution

Q. Convert 1414 feet to meters using 3.2813.281 feet: 11 meter\newlineRound answers to hundredths of meters (or 22 decimal places)
  1. Identify conversion factor: Identify the conversion factor between feet and meters. The conversion factor given is 3.2813.281 feet for 11 meter.
  2. Set up conversion: Set up the conversion from feet to meters.\newlineTo convert feet to meters, divide the number of feet by the conversion factor.\newline1414 feet ÷\div 3.2813.281 feet/meter
  3. Perform division: Perform the division to convert feet to meters. 14÷3.2814.26714 \div 3.281 \approx 4.267 meters (unrounded)
  4. Round result: Round the result to two decimal places as required. 4.2674.267 meters rounded to two decimal places is 4.274.27 meters.

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