Rewrite expression without decimal: Rewrite the expression without decimal.To multiply 77.2 by 0.272, we can consider them as whole numbers first by removing the decimal points. This means we will treat 77.2 as 7720 and 0.272 as 272.
Multiply whole numbers: Multiply the whole numbers.Now we multiply 7720 by 272.7720×272=2100640
Count decimal places: Count the decimal places in the original expression. 77.2 has one decimal place.0.272 has three decimal places.Together, the numbers in the original expression have 1+3=4 decimal places.
Move decimal in product: Move the decimal in the product of whole numbers to find the answer.We need to move the decimal 4 places to the left in 2100640 to account for the decimal places in the original numbers.2100640 becomes 210.0640 or simply 210.064 when we place the decimal point.77.2×0.272=210.064