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Simplify. Express your answer using positive exponents.\newliner9r8r-5 r^9 \cdot r^8 \cdot r^{\text{-}5} \newline______

Full solution

Q. Simplify. Express your answer using positive exponents.\newliner9r8r-5 r^9 \cdot r^8 \cdot r^{\text{-}5} \newline______
  1. Identify operation for exponents: Identify the operation needed for the exponents 99, 88, and 5-5. When multiplying powers with the same base, we add the exponents.
  2. Combine exponents: Combine the exponents by adding them together.\newliner9×r8×r5=r(9+85)r^9 \times r^8 \times r^{-5} = r^{(9 + 8 - 5)}
  3. Perform addition of exponents: Perform the addition of the exponents. r9+85=r175=r12r^{9 + 8 - 5} = r^{17 - 5} = r^{12}

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