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Which is equal to 9619^{-61}?

Full solution

Q. Which is equal to 9619^{-61}?
  1. Identify base and exponent: Identify the base and the exponent in 9619^{-61}. The base is 99 and the exponent is 61-61.
  2. Apply negative exponent rule: Apply the negative exponent rule: am=1ama^{-m} = \frac{1}{a^m}. So, 961=19619^{-61} = \frac{1}{9^{61}}.
  3. Find matching choice: Look at the choices and find the one that matches 1/9611 / 9^{61}.
  4. Correct choice: The correct choice is 1961\frac{1}{9^{61}}, which is the same as 9619^{-61} according to the negative exponent rule.

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