Set up division problem: Set up the division problem.We need to divide 33.8 by 2.6 to find the quotient.33.8÷2.6
Convert to simpler form: Convert the division to a simpler form by eliminating the decimal points.To do this, we can multiply both the dividend 33.8 and the divisor 2.6 by 10 to make them whole numbers.(33.8×10)÷(2.6×10)=338÷26
Perform division of whole numbers: Perform the division of the whole numbers.Now we divide 338 by 26 using long division.26 goes into 33 once (1), with a remainder of 7 (33−26=7).Bring down the next digit (8) to make the number 78.26 goes into 78 exactly three times (261), with no remainder.So, 262