Set up division problem: Set up the division problem.We need to divide 33.366 by 6.7 to find the quotient.33.366÷6.7
Perform division: Perform the division.To make the division easier, we can multiply both the dividend (33.366) and the divisor (6.7) by 10 to remove the decimal from the divisor.33.366×10=333.666.7×10=67Now we have:333.66÷67
Divide 333.66 by 67: Divide 333.66 by 67. Using long division or a calculator, we find that: 333.66÷67≈4.978
Check for errors: Check for any mathematical errors.We have multiplied both the dividend and divisor by the same number (10) to simplify the division, and then we performed the division correctly. There are no mathematical errors in the calculations.