Identify the numbers: Identify the numbers to be multiplied.We have two numbers: 162 and 0.967. We need to multiply these two numbers to find the product.
Multiply the whole number: Multiply the whole number by the decimal.To multiply 162 by 0.967, we align the numbers and multiply as if they were both whole numbers, keeping in mind the decimal places.Calculation: \begin{align*}&162 (\newline\)&\times 0.967 (\newline\)&\underline{\phantom{0000}}\end{align*}
Perform the multiplication: Perform the multiplication.We multiply the numbers as if they were whole numbers.162×967 (we ignore the decimal for now)1134 (162×7)11340 (162×60, shift one position to the left)113400 (162×900, shift two positions to the left)×9670 (sum of the above three products)
Place the decimal point: Place the decimal point.Since 0.967 has three decimal places, we must place the decimal point in the product so that the product also has three decimal places.Calculation: 156.714 (three digits after the decimal point)