Q. What number must be subtracted from 67345643 to get 54903891 ?
Add Trees Planted: To find the total number of trees planted in four years, we need to add the number of trees planted each year. The problem states that 763023 trees were planted each year for four years.Calculation: 763023+763023+763023+763023Math error check:
Calculate Total: Adding the number of trees planted each year together: 763023+763023+763023+763023=3052092 Math error check:
Subtract Numbers: To find the number that must be subtracted from 67345643 to get 54903891, we need to perform a subtraction.Calculation: 67345643−54903891Math error check:
Perform Subtraction: Subtracting the two numbers: 67345643−54903891=12441752 Math error check:
More problems from Add and subtract integers: word problems