Read And Interpret Box Plots Worksheet

Grade 6

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Students may also be asked to compare and contrast box plots from different datasets to draw conclusions about the data. Interpreting box plots can help students make informed decisions and draw conclusions from data. 


For example, if a box plot has a large range and a long whisker, it indicates that the data has a significant spread. On the other hand, if the box is narrow, and the whiskers are short, it indicates that the data is tightly clustered around the median.

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About Worksheet

Grade 6

In Grade 6 Statistics, students are expected to learn how to read and interpret box plots. A box plot is a visual representation of a dataset in the form of a chart that shows data from a five-number summary including one of the measures of central tendency. Below is read and interpret box plots worksheet which includes different difficulty level questions and teachers can provide this worksheet to their students.

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