Identify Effects From Removing, Adding, And Replacing A Data Point Worksheet

Grade 6

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Removing, Adding, or replacing a data point from the given data set can have a significant effect on the mean, median, and mode of the dataset. For example, if the data point that is removed is an outlier, the mean and median may shift significantly, while the mode may remain unchanged. On the other hand, if the removed data point is close to the mean or median, the impact may be minimal.

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About Worksheet

Grade 6

In Grade 6 Statistics, one important concept is identifying the effects of removing, adding, or replacing a data point in the given data set. Understanding the impact of the changes made in the data is crucial in making informed decisions when analyzing data. 


“Identifying the effects of removing, adding, or replacing a data point worksheet” is designed to understand the effects of changes made in the given data set. Teachers can use these worksheet with their students to improve the understanding of the concept.

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