Teaching to convert percent into fraction format easily.
Converting percentages into fractions is a very easy and smooth process that requires putting values in the given formula.
This conversion is a two-step process.
1. Divide the percent figure by 100 to get a decimal number
2. Multiply every digit by 10 after the decimal point if the percent is not a whole figure.
3. Try simplifying this fraction.
Here is an example of converting percent into a fraction problem.
Q. Convert 11½ % into fraction format.
Solution: The given percentage is mixed, so first, we need to convert it into a proper fraction.
11½ % = 23/2%
Now divide this percentage by 100 to convert it into fraction format.
(23/2) / 100 = 23/200
So, 23/200 is an equivalent fraction for 11½ %.
Why Should you use finding percentage worksheets for your students in grade 6th?
With this “converting percents to fractions worksheet,” students can boost their knowledge of percentage concepts.
Solving problems in this worksheet can also enhance their understanding of using percentage conversion concepts in various mathematical problems.
One can download these percentage worksheets PDF and aid your students in their learning process by making it seamless. You can also try our Convert Percents And Fractions Quiz as well for a better understanding of the concepts.