In these calculations, we can use the formulas:
- Part = Percent * Whole / 100
- Whole = Part / Percent * 100
- Percent = Part / Whole * 100
Part-whole-percent calculations are used in many fields such as finance, business, and statistics, to understand the relationship between different parts of a whole and to make decisions based on that understanding.
An example of this would be if a student scored 80 out of 100 on a test, we can calculate the percentage as (80/100)*100 = 80%
Another example is if a pizza is cut into 8 slices and you eat 2 slices, we can calculate the part as 2/8 = 25%
Teaching Part, whole, percent calculations (using formula) Easily
- Introduce the concepts of part and whole: Begin by using concrete examples to help students understand the concepts of part and whole.
- Explain that percent is a way of expressing a ratio as a fraction of 100. For example, if a student scored 80 out of 100 on a test, the percentage would be (80/100) * 100 = 80%.
- Have students practice converting between fractions, decimals, and percents through worksheets. This will help them understand the relationship between these different ways of expressing ratios.
- Practice solving word problems: Give students practice problems that involve part-whole-percent calculations given in worksheet.
Why Should You Use Part, Whole, Percent Calculations (using formula) Worksheet for your students?
- The Part, whole, percent calculations (using formula) worksheet will help your students to easily perform the mathematical calculations.
- Students will be able to solve part, whole, percent calculations problems using these worksheets.
- Moreover, students can easily find answers of some complex problems solving these worksheets.
Download Part, Whole, Percent Calculations (using formula) Worksheets PDF
You can download and print these super fun Part, whole, percent calculations (using formula) worksheet 6th grade pdf from here for your students. You can also try our Part, Whole, Percent Calculations (Using Formula) Problems and Part, Whole, Percent Calculations (Using Formula) Quiz as well for a better understanding of the concepts.