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Solve Multi-Step Problems Using Unit Rate (Word Problems) Quiz

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#1 of 8: Mild

Solve multi-step problems using unit rate (word problems)

<p>Raul is making fruit punch for the grade party. With `2` packets of concentrate, he can make `6` quarts of fruit punch. </p><ul><li>How much fruit punch can he make using `7` packs of concentrate?</li><li> If `1` quart of fruit punch serves `3` students, how many students can he serve with the fruit punch made from `7` packs of concentrate? </li></ul>

#2 of 8: Mild

Solve multi-step problems using unit rate (word problems)

<p>A telemarketer made `48` calls in a `6`-hour time frame.</p><ul><li> If they continue placing calls at this rate, how many calls can they make in `10` hours? </li><li>If the telemarketer is paid `$3` for each call they make, how much money will they earn by working for `10` hours?</li></ul>

#3 of 8: Medium

Solve multi-step problems using unit rate (word problems)

<p>A housekeeper at a luxury hotel can clean `28` rooms in `4` hours. </p><ul><li>At this rate, how many rooms can she clean in `9` hours?</li><li>If the housekeeper earns `$4.50` for each room she cleans, how much will she earn for working `9` hours?</li></ul>

#4 of 8: Medium

Solve multi-step problems using unit rate (word problems)

<p>Sylvia needs `36` lemons to make `3` gallons of fresh lemonade for the school fair. </p><ul><li>If she has been asked to make `10` gallons of fresh lemonade, how many lemons will she need to buy to make the lemonade?</li><li> If the price for `1` lemon at the grocery store is `$0.55`, how much will Sylvia pay for all the lemons she will need?</li></ul>

#5 of 8: Medium

Solve multi-step problems using unit rate (word problems)

<p>At a pep rally, the principal rented a t-shirt launching machine that will launch `30` shirts into the crowd every `15` minutes.</p><ul><li> If the assembly will last `40` minutes and the t-shirt launcher continues at the same rate during the entire assembly, how many shirts will be launched into the crowd?</li><li> If each t-shirt costs `$2.40`, how much will the principal pay for the shirts for the assembly?</li></ul>

#6 of 8: Medium

Solve multi-step problems using unit rate (word problems)

<p>Hailey is traveling to a vacation cabin. In the morning, it took her `4` hours to travel `200` miles.</p><ul> <li>If she travels at the same rate in the afternoon, how far will Hailey travel if her total travel time is `7` hours?</li><li> If Hailey’s car gets `20` miles for each gallons of gas used, how many gallons of gas did Hailey need for her entire trip? </li></ul>

#7 of 8: Spicy

Solve multi-step problems using unit rate (word problems)

<p>Lucia is making peach pies for sale at the Farmer’s Market. She has used `30` pounds of peaches to make `20` pies so far.</p><ul> <li>If Lucia wants to make `62` pies for the market, how many pounds of peaches will she need to buy?</li><li> If a pound of peaches costs `$1.50`, how much will Lucia pay for the peaches that she needs for all her pies?</li></ul>

#8 of 8: Spicy

Solve multi-step problems using unit rate (word problems)

<p>Eloise is making scarves for her online store. Last week she needed `12` yards of fabric to make `10` scarves. This week she plans to make `25` similar scarves. </p><ul><li>How much fabric will she need for `25` scarves?</li><li> If each yard costs `$3.75`, what is the cost of fabric for `25` scarves?</li></ul>

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As the name suggests, multiple-step ratio problems require multiple steps so that we can arrive at a solution. Multi-step ratio problems can be solved using the cross multiplication method and the unit rate method. To solve multi-step ratio problems using the unit rate, we first find out the unit rate and then analyse whether we need to multiply or divide to arrive at the required answer. 


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Ratios And Rates

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