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z=11.1 i-45


z=11.1i45 z=11.1 i-45 \newlineRe(z)=Im(z)= \begin{array}{l}\operatorname{Re}(z)= \\ \operatorname{Im}(z)=\end{array}

Full solution

Q. z=11.1i45 z=11.1 i-45 \newlineRe(z)=Im(z)= \begin{array}{l}\operatorname{Re}(z)= \\ \operatorname{Im}(z)=\end{array}
  1. Identify real part of complex number: Identify the real part (Re(z)\text{Re}(z)) of the complex number z=11.1i45z = 11.1 i - 45.\newlineThe real part is the term without the imaginary unit ii, which is 45-45 in this case.
  2. Identify imaginary part of complex number: Identify the imaginary part (Im(z)\text{Im}(z)) of the complex number z=11.1i45z = 11.1 i - 45.\newlineThe imaginary part is the coefficient of the imaginary unit ii, which is 11.111.1 in this case.

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