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Solve for y \mathrm{y} .\newline7y=42 7 y=42 \newlineAnswer: y= y=

Full solution

Q. Solve for y \mathrm{y} .\newline7y=42 7 y=42 \newlineAnswer: y= y=
  1. Divide by 77: First, we got the equation 7y=427y = 42. To find yy, we need to get it alone on one side of the equation. So we'll divide both sides by 77.
  2. Division calculation: Doing the division: 7y/7=42/77y / 7 = 42 / 7.
  3. Check solution: After dividing, we get y=6y = 6. That's our answer, but let's do a quick check.
  4. Plug in and verify: To check, we plug yy back into the original equation: 7×6=427 \times 6 = 42. Yep, that's right, so no math error here.