Combine fractions with common denominator: Combine the terms on the left side of the equation to have a common denominator.To combine (x+7)/(6x) and 2, we need to express 2 as a fractions" target="_blank" class="backlink">fraction with a denominator of 6x:2=2×(6x)/(6x)=(12x)/(6x)Now we can combine the fractions:(x+7)/(6x)+(12x)/(6x)=(x+7+12x)/(6x)Simplify the numerator:(x+7+12x)/(6x)=(13x+7)/(6x)
Rewrite equation with combined left side: Rewrite the equation with the combined left side.(6x13x+7)=(x2x−1)
Cross-multiply to eliminate fractions: Cross-multiply to eliminate the fractions.(13x+7)(x)=(6x)(2x−1)
Distribute and simplify both sides: Distribute to simplify both sides of the equation. 13x2+7x=12x2−6x
Move terms to set equation to zero: Move all terms to one side to set the equation to zero and combine like terms.13x2+7x−12x2+6x=0x2+13x=0
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