Combine terms over common denominator: Combine the terms on the left side of the equation over a common denominator.Since both terms on the left side have denominators that are multiples of 3, we can combine them as follows:3−5 - 3x4 = 3x−5x−4
Set fraction equal to −2: Set the combined fraction equal to −2 and cross-multiply to eliminate the fraction.3x−5x−4=−2Cross-multiplying gives us:−2×3x=−5x−4
Distribute −2 to 3x: Distribute −2 to 3x on the left side of the equation.−6x=−5x−4
Add 5x to both sides: Add 5x to both sides of the equation to isolate the x terms on one side.−6x+5x=−5x+5x−4−1x=−4
Divide both sides by −1: Divide both sides by −1 to solve for x.x=−1−4x=4
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