Combine fractions with common denominator: Combine the fractions on the left side of the equation by finding a common denominator.Since the denominators are already the same 3 and 3x, we can combine the fractions by multiplying the numerator of the second fraction by x to have the same denominator.35 - 3xx = 2
Simplify left side of equation: Simplify the left side of the equation.Combine the fractions over the common denominator 3x.3x5x−1=2
Multiply by 3x to eliminate fraction: Multiply both sides of the equation by 3x to eliminate the fraction.3x5x−1×3x=2×3x5x−1=6x
Isolate variable x: Subtract 5x from both sides to isolate the variable x on one side.5x−1−5x=6x−5x−1=x
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