Identify common denominator: Identify the common denominator for the fractions.The denominators are 4 and 36. The least common multiple of 4 and 36 is 36. This will be the common denominator.
Multiply by common denominator: Multiply each term by the common denominator to clear the fractions.Multiplying the entire equation by 36 gives us:36×42x+1−36×362x+1=36×(−2)
Simplify by canceling denominators: Simplify the equation by canceling out the denominators.(436)×(2x+1)−(3636)×(2x+1)=−72This simplifies to:9×(2x+1)−(2x+1)=−72
Distribute coefficients into parentheses: Distribute the coefficients into the parentheses.18x+9−2x−1=−72
Combine like terms: Combine like terms on the left side of the equation.(18x−2x)+(9−1)=−7216x+8=−72
Subtract to isolate x: Subtract 8 from both sides of the equation to isolate the term with x.16x+8−8=−72−816x=−80
Divide to solve for x: Divide both sides by 16 to solve for x.1616x=16−80x=−5
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